Freaks N Squeaks #1926 – Megalomania

Welcome to the return of Freaks N Squeaks!  It used to be Freaks N Squeeks, but I fixed the spelling for this new iteration.  This is year 11 of the strip, which began in 2002, but did not update every year since then.

If this is your first FNS experience, I encourage you to check out the archive which contains the strips from years 8 – 10.  For older strips, please head over to the store where you can buy pdfs of books containing the first 1600+ strips.  You do not need to read everything to “get it.”  Like far more talented cartoonists, I’m able to make sure you get everything you need to understand what’s going on in the current story.

If you like what you see, I would ask that you consider pledging to my Patreon.  I’m only asking you for $1 a month, and for that dollar you get a lot of stuff.  In fact, one of the things you get is electronic copies of all my books, so it’s a good deal.

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